Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Alan Turner There's a long, long trail  Indestructible Record: 3413  
 2. Steve Porter Every mother's son there sang The wearing of the green  Indestructible Record: 846  
 3. Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr She's the fairest little flower dear old Dixie ever grew  Indestructible Record: 678  
 4. Indestructible Military Band Star-spangled banner (Song);God save the King  Indestructible Record: 821  
 5. Ada Jones Mandy Lane  Indestructible Record: 952  
 6. Indestructible Military Band Hurrah boys  Indestructible Record: 834  
 7. Dorothy Kingsley Call 'round any old time  Indestructible Record: 985  
 8. Peerless Trio The village constable  Indestructible Record: 738  
 9. Dorothy Kingsley Ev'ryone's in love with someone  Indestructible Record: 884  
 10. John Alexander One sweetly solemn thought  Indestructible Record: 982  
 11. Peerless Trio Three rubes seeing New York  Indestructible Record: 680  
 12. Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr I'm starving for one sight of you  Indestructible Record: 814  
 13. Ada Jones I want to be a merry, merry widow  Indestructible Record: 707  
 14. Cal Stewart Uncle Josh's New Year's pledge  Indestructible Record: 914  
 15. Ada Jones and Len Spencer Schoolday frolics  Indestructible Record: 739  
 16. Steve Porter Flanagan's mother-in-law  Indestructible Record: 740  
 17. Henry Burr Holy city  Indestructible Record: 676  
 18. James F. Harrison All hail the power [Union harmony v. 1. Coronation]  Indestructible Record: 894  
 19. Henry Burr Holy city  Indestructible Record: 676  
 20. Indestructible Military Band Victorious eagle  Indestructible Record: 603  
 21. Indestructible Military Band With sword and lance  Indestructible Record: 770  
 22. Cal Stewart Uncle Josh's second visit to New York  Indestructible Record: 909  
 23. Cal Stewart Uncle Josh at a ball game  Indestructible Record: 923  
 24. Indestructible Military Band Coast guards  Indestructible Record: 830  
 25. Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr Rainbow  Indestructible Record: 960  
 26. Will C. Robbins If you cared  Indestructible Record: 811  
 27. John Alexander Oh Lord, be Thou my light  Indestructible Record: 955  
 28. Indestructible Concert Band Glowworm [Lysistrata. Glühwürmchen; arr.]  Indestructible Record: 980  
 29. Byron G. Harlan When you love her and she loves you  Indestructible Record: 670  
 30. Billy Murray Lanky Yankee boys in blue  Indestructible Record: 758  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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